For a moment, I wasn’t sure how to reply. While our small group members have known each other for years, we’d never really openly shared all our hurts and struggles with one another. After all, it’s scary to be vulnerable.
But the truth is, we’re all sinners and we all struggle. We all need Jesus. Authentic conversations about God’s amazing grace and our dependency on Christ have a way of encouraging us to keep trusting in Him. With Jesus, we can stop pretending to have trouble-free lives.
So I replied, “Yes! Let’s do that!” Initially, it was awkward. But as one person opened up and shared, another soon followed. Though a few kept silent, there was understanding. No one was pressured. We ended the time by doing what the second part of James 5:16 says, “Pray for each other.”
That day I experienced the beauty of fellowship with believers in Jesus. Because of our common faith in Christ, we can be vulnerable with each other and depend on Him and others to help us in our weaknesses and struggles.
By: Poh Fang Chia
Shared By: Deacon Delphine Carson