Community Christian Church
George Floyd

George Floyd

Greetings beloved: This is Dr. Paul I. Bennett. After much soul-searching, and much contemplation, and after praying, I sense the all-too-familiar prompting of the Lord to bring a Word to the forefront during this time of national horror-based unrest.  The Word of God...
Stop Renting Your Church Home

Stop Renting Your Church Home

By Aaron Earls Everyone always dreams of purchasing their own house. That is, until the plumbing burst or the electrical wiring goes haywire. Owning a home requires significant investments far beyond the financial ones. Only substantial amounts of time and energy can...
Am I My BROTHER’S Keeper?

Am I My BROTHER’S Keeper?

Am I My BROTHER’S Keeper? Absolutely yes!!! I heard a very well known preacher refer to conservative Christian circles as, “…those dead churches.”  I also heard another equally well known preacher refer to less conservative Christians as maniacs.  Both of them love...
When God Calls YOU

When God Calls YOU

Genesis 12:1-7  Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee:  2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and...
Leading The LOST and The FOUND

Leading The LOST and The FOUND

Every Christian is responsible for obeying Jesus’ great commission to evangelize the lost.  We are not all obedient, but Jesus did command us to evangelize the world.  Did you know we are also called to help disciple believers who have strayed? Look at what God’s WORD...
Devotional Living

Devotional Living

The statement, “The just shall live by his faith,” is echoed throughout the Bible.  As Christians, faith requires devotional living. Three requirements of devotional living are as follows: We must speak truthfully and not sinfully. We must believe for God’s blessings...